Being able to bounce back when you take a hit in life… being able to ride the crests and troughs… being tolerant of others…. Letting go easily of annoyance, before it boils over into anger and bad temper… handling relationships with skill… understanding the mental habits which have resulted in stress and/or distress… finding that they are quite predictable in most people… and that we can begin to see the patterns and change them. It is fun and very, very useful.
You can
- Take a 6 week course to learn some quick and life-changing methods to notice and shift your habitual reactions
- Sit in a Resilience-Focused Mindfulness practice group
Six Week Learn Resilience program
This will help you see that your established reactions are only habitual because we learn them without ever asking what is happening; practising some alternatives will gradually change the way you see yourself and your situations… and they are fun and interesting
Personal Stress Vulnerability Profile
In this program, you will receive a profile, private to yourself, that will show the areas in which your current reaction patterns make you stress-vulnerable and frequently disrupt relationships.
These are methods for using your mind to make a difference to your mind. They are extraordinarily obvious – once you see them!! Hidden and confusing until you do. And then, the work is to shift from the familiar discomfort of stressed out behaviour to the much more unfamiliar discomfort of making a change – but the work is very worthwhile.
Resilience-focused Mindfulness Practice Group
After you have got the hang of re-evaluating your reactions, you might consider joining the Resilience-focused Mindfulness practice group. Using the methods learnt in the training group will uncover many subtle ways your old patterns work against you. A follow up really helps you to consolidate the changes you want to make – sitting with others doing the same, and supporting each other in a friendly gathering.
Led by Mataji
BA (Melb) Grad Dip Arts (Social Science) Gippsland Postgrad Dip
Health Psychology (La Trobe)
Member Meditation Australia
Mataji has spent half a lifetime practising, teaching, and training teachers, in Meditation, Mindfulness and life skills. She has dedicated herself to exploring the inner landscape.
Testimonials: what people have said about the Resilience course
and if you haven’t already considered it, think about the difference between meditation and resilience. Both potent, but different: Meditation vs Resilience?