Category Archives: Article
Scientific Meditation Research
Meditation research has an upside and a downside – the upside is that it is more reliable than personal stories; the downside is that what is left out may be as important as, or more significant than, what is currently tested for. Continue reading
Spring, Growth, Equinox, Balance, Satsang
Spring – Time of Renewal and Growth – and the Equinox Spring has come to Melbourne with it burst of lush and colourful growth. And with it, a magical moment – the Vernal Equinox. Two fantastic aspects of the natural … Continue reading
Starting Your Meditation Practice – Part 1, Time
New to meditation? Here are some tips on getting yourself established.
Physical Body, Spiritual Body
Your physical body, spiritual body… can it be so, or do you suppose that the body is totally matter, perishable and not at all spiritual? That the mind is spirit while the body is only the vehicle?. There could be something quite back-to-front … Continue reading
Happy Christmas
Hello, here is a brief rundown on Christmas 2016 I’m at Buln where it is very peaceful.
Uncertainty, Control, Stress
Uncertainty is a major stress factor for most people. It goes hand in hand with lack of control, which often freaks people right out. We can face uncertainty in a strong and empowered way, or we can be irrational, inept … Continue reading
Meditation – being comfortable with reality
Meditation can do more for us than relieve stress. Continue reading
Chatting with Patanjali
Patanjali explains himself in this conversation. What are the Yoga Sutras really about? Is Patanjali non-dualist or dualist? what difference does it make? Continue reading
The Heretic’s New Year
When it comes to making New Year’s resolutions, we could have a look first at the “me” that thinks it should improve. Continue reading
Neural Activity and Meditation
Brain waves indicate the person’s level of arousal, that is, the active mode of thinking and doing, or the individual’s state of consciousness. There are four recognised brain wave states. It is curious that traditionally in Yoga it is said … Continue reading