Tag Archives: mistaking thought for reality
Physical Body, Spiritual Body
Your physical body, spiritual body… can it be so, or do you suppose that the body is totally matter, perishable and not at all spiritual? That the mind is spirit while the body is only the vehicle?. There could be something quite back-to-front … Continue reading
Unchallenged Assumptions Lead to Poor Outcomes
Here is a conversation I had recently with a student: Nothing external can cause an internal response What causes our emotional reaction is the black box full of assumptions (in the mind) by which we make inferences about how we … Continue reading
End 2014, Year of Changes
Changes – some painful, some joyful or even ecstatic, some that come simply with the turning of the Earth.This time last year, somehow I had a feeling that 2014 would be a year of changes… and I was right. Maybe,on … Continue reading
Truthfulness …Being Truthful to Yourself – so that you can be truthful about yourself
Truthfulness is a strange phenomenon. Scrupulous truth-telling may not be the same as real truthfulness. (Why?) Likewise with lying. A persistent liar is very unlikely to be able to be truthful to himself. And if untruthful to themselves, neither the scrupulous … Continue reading
Let ’em think what they like!
Do you try to make sure people understand you? Waste of time! After you have said your bit as best you can, take as a given that your hearers will filter your communication through their own preconceptions. For your listeners, “you” … Continue reading
Meditation – being comfortable with reality
Meditation can do more for us than relieve stress. Continue reading
Chatting with Patanjali
Patanjali explains himself in this conversation. What are the Yoga Sutras really about? Is Patanjali non-dualist or dualist? what difference does it make? Continue reading
Yogic Solutions
All of us have difficult situations and unpleasant people to deal with throughout our lives. If only we could find yogic solutions for having loving engagement with others, easy truthfulness, powerful articulation, clear insight into issues, untouched by manipulative ploys. … Continue reading
Query on aspects of the Yoga Sutras
This is a discussion on the notion of “vrtti”in the Yoga Sutras, prompted by a query from a student. The phrase, or paraphrase, for “vrtti” as “ideational choice making tendency of the mind” is from P.Y. Deshpande, The Authentic Yoga … Continue reading